getting data../.
getting city data../.
What is status of cyclone warning system in India?
Indian is prone to frequent cyclone attack and has suffered huge loss of life and property in past.In order to cater to the needs of Cyclone Warning Services and Marine weather services, there are seven established Cyclone Warning Centers covering the east & west coasts of ou Read_More >
Disaster Management
How India is prepared for impending cyclone season?
Cyclones are multi-hazardous in nature and thus they cause heavy rain, strong winds and storm surge over the affected region simultaneously and in its wake the associated property loss can be huge.This can be in the form of damage to houses and roads, farms and agriculture lands, Read_More >
emergency manager
How to survive in Cyclone
Cyclones are one of the most devastating disasters on earth.Indian subcontinent is very prone to cyclones.Here we are publishing Dos and Donts duringĀ  cyclone disaster. Dos and Dont DOs Check houses, secure loose tiles by cementing wherever necessary, repair doors and windows. Read_More >


